First of all she gave a powerful SONA against her critics but she did not report the true condition of this ailing nation. she needs to open her eyes more and look deeper into the problems of the nation. though the economy is strong as statistics claim but at the end of the day the question that will always remain is, did you elevate the condition of the Filipinos. Gloria is an intelligent president but her intelligence is surpassed by corruption cases and her mismanagement of the government
she may somewhat uplifted the economy but the fact still remains that she is ineffective in terms of uplifting the lives of our poor people
she again boasted the things that she has done but the situation today is still the situation before. i believe that she did not shield the country from economic crisis but rather we did not feel the economic downturn because we are already immune to the economic crisis
i may not like her but it does not mean that i like the person she succeeded but actually i hate him more than Gloria because he has obviously shamed the country for corruption and was sentenced
if people still want him then why remove him in the first place? and why should he still run well in fact he was deposed already and that means he is not an effective leader as well
if reelected again, it is an embarrassment to the international community. it only shows that we want a president who is an ex-convict. it is a total shame
if i would choose between Erap and Gloria, i'd rather choose Gloria than Erap. Because at least, SHE IS STILL DOING SOMETHING, not just going around the country making speeches and shaking hands and giving away free stuff that would last for no longer than a day. And we must not forget that at the midst of a global economic crisis, the country still experienced growth. It may not be so much and not many of us may have felt the effects of this growth, but the fact still remains that when others were surging to the ground, we were able to survive.
to all our politician please clean up politics for we all know that it is a dirty environment and only the people within it can clean it, don't be hypocrites also. practice what you preach and assure us that you would be effective people that we can rely on and could help us in societal problems.